Caffe Giardino Taš – Tašmajdan



Nalazimo se u samom srcu Tašmajdanskog parka, a od otvorenog bazena nas dele samo tribine. Oaza mira i zadovoljstva. Posetite nas i uverite se sami 🙂

Tramvaji: 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14
Autobusi: 26, 27, 33, 48

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Based on 555 reviews
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Jana Dragićević
12:02 22 Oct 20
great coffee and location
Nikola Djelic
16:30 06 Sep 20
Great place with big and fantastic terrace without parasols. Shield from the Sun are pine trees. It is near the fountain, and you can hear sound of water flowing. Of course the position is one of the best in Belgrade, great for tourists. The choice is very big, and stuff is very nice and kind from my experience. Also I should say that the quality of products is very good. All these things together, Church of Saint Mark, Tasmajdan staduim, Tasmajdan pool, Tasmajdan park are very impressive. So many assosiations. Wherever you turn you have nice view. Truly recommend this for all us Serbs, but more to the foreign guests, because they can rest here when they are exploring Belgrade, and Tasmajdan is indispensable part of Belgrade. City center is near and of course Nikola Tesla musseum our pride.
Jovan Batančev
13:23 01 Sep 20
great location and nice view
Aleksandar Aleksic
11:23 07 Jul 20
Nice surroundings, very cozy.
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  • Wi-Fi
  • Pet friendly
  • Parking
    Ulični parking


Caffe Giardino Taš – Tašmajdan


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Based on 555 reviews
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Jana Dragićević
12:02 22 Oct 20
great coffee and location
Nikola Djelic
16:30 06 Sep 20
Great place with big and fantastic terrace without parasols. Shield from the Sun are pine trees. It is near the fountain, and you can hear sound of water flowing. Of course the position is one of the best in Belgrade, great for tourists. The choice is very big, and stuff is very nice and kind from my experience. Also I should say that the quality of products is very good. All these things together, Church of Saint Mark, Tasmajdan staduim, Tasmajdan pool, Tasmajdan park are very impressive. So many assosiations. Wherever you turn you have nice view. Truly recommend this for all us Serbs, but more to the foreign guests, because they can rest here when they are exploring Belgrade, and Tasmajdan is indispensable part of Belgrade. City center is near and of course Nikola Tesla musseum our pride.
Jovan Batančev
13:23 01 Sep 20
great location and nice view
Aleksandar Aleksic
11:23 07 Jul 20
Nice surroundings, very cozy.
See All Reviews