Kafe Šupa – Кафе Шупа



U srcu Beograda na Zelenom Vencu se nalazi Kafe Šupa. U neposrednoj blizini istorijskih znamenitosti, uživajte uz piće u nesvakidašnjem Vintage i Industrial enterijeru.

Cafe Šupa is in the very heart of Belgrade at Zeleni Venac area. Placed nearby numerous historical sights and monuments, you can enjoy your drink in a unusual blend of vintage and industrial interior and warm atmosphere.

Zašto Šupa?
Kao dete najviše sam voleo da vreme provodim u Šupi. Mesto, koje je sadržalo sve potrepštine za slaganje slagalice zvane “Mašta”. Od točkova takozvanih letećih tanjira do čarobnih rukavica zahvaljujući kojim sam postajao nevidljiv kad je to trebalo….



Additional Information

Additional Information
  • Radno vreme:
    Pon - Čet: 07:00 – 00:00h Pet: 08:00 – 01:00h
  • Subota
    09:00 – 01:00h
  • Nedelja
    07:00 – 00:00h
  • Wi-Fi
  • Pet friendly
  • Parking
    Ulični parking


Kafe Šupa – Кафе Шупа


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Based on 429 reviews
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Ana Ignjatovic
18:33 18 Mar 21
Very casual and hippy place. The atmosphere is awesome, interior is unique and the staff is always nice and approachable. Lovely drink menu with reasonable prices. I recommend!#cafe #supa #Belgrade
Daria Trumper
19:54 14 Oct 20
So many plants!!!!! They're everywhere!!!!! I love it!!!!! People are great and super pleasant although usually the clientele's age doesn't go over 23, all of them seem super young! That's not bad it just makes me feel old! Sometimes they play cool music there, they hire amateur DJs and it's awesome!
Struja King
11:12 17 Sep 20
LGBTQ+ friendly place good for meeting ur friends and expecting small parties at weekends
Ivana Milojkovic
16:17 16 Dec 19
Cozy little place... reminds me of a cubby hole In NYC. For a group of friends, a date or a moment with yourself.. whatever it is, I highly recommend.
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