Pivnica Gvožđara 1870 🍺🍺🍺



Gvožđara 1870 je dobila naziv po gvožđari koja je otvorena 1870. godine na adresi Karadjordjeva 43, u trgovačkom centru Savamale, ondašnjeg Beograda.
U sadašnjem Beogradu, Savamala postala kreativni centar zabave, mesto na kojem se postavljaju novi standardi u ugostiteljstvu , gde se rađaju novi trendovi u noćnom provodu, gde svaki gost pronalazi nešto za sebe.
Spoj istorijskog dela Beograda i onog kakvim ga mi vidimo u budućnosti, doveo je do toga da staroj, dobro znanoj lokaciji udahnemo novi život.
U starinskom zdanju adaptirane govožđare, otvorena je pivnica koje pomera granice za sve ljubitelje piva…
Po prvi put u istoriji , Beograd dobija priliku da okusi najbolja nepasterizovana, točena, češka piva Pilsner Urquell i Kozel.
Onim iskusnijima, željnim novih izazova, služimo preko 100 najboljih etiketa iz celog sveta. Žeđ za kvalitetom ne zna za granice, pa tako ni mi.
Pilsner Urquell je jedna od najstarijih fabrika piva u Evropi, otvorena je u gradu Plzenu (Češka) i to 5. oktobra 1842. god., samo trideset godina pre nego je izgrađena pelepa zgrada u kojoj se danas nalazi Gvožđara 1870.
Zahvaljujući njihovoj dugogodišnjoj tradiciji, iskustvu i posvećenosti,Gvožđara je dobila priliku da dovede No1 točioce piva u svetu i predstavi ih tebi.
Kuhinja “Gvožđare 1870” je u potpunosti inspirisana savršenim skladom sa našim zlatnim napitkom.
Prva i neizostavna pomisao, kada je reč o “pivskoj hrani” jeste originalna češka kolenica, pored koje izdvajamo još i Rusmirove kobasice, i ćevape ” Kod Jonuza” iz Novog Pazara.
Ni očekivani burgeri na našem meniju nisu samo to jer su pravljeni od najkvalitetnijeg, čistog junećeg mesa iz mesare Jokić, koji ti poslužujemo uz neobični belgijski pomfrit .
Najbolji sir sa Peštara ukoliko nisi probao, nemoj propustiti, mi ćemo ti preporučiti i atraktivno belo vino koje će mu intenzivirati ukus, a tebe neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Ukoliko preferiraš crno, gulaš od divljači ili tartar biftek su spoj koji izaziva eksploziju u tvojim čulima.
Od grickalica nemamo čips, ali bi trebalo da okusiš bavarske perece.
“Voda na usta”, uobičajena posledica pročitanog i pokazatelj da smo te zainteresovali, naučno dokazano da se žeđ neće ugasiti , ni glad prestati do prve posete “Gvožđari 1870”.


Gvožđara 1870 is named after the hardware store opened in 1870 at Karadjordjeva 43, in the shopping center Savamala, in old Belgrade.
In present Belgrade, Savamala has become a creative entertainment center, a place where new standards are set in the hospitality industry, where new trends are born in the night life, where all guests find something for themselves.
The bondage of the historical part of Belgrade and the way we see it in the future, has led us to breathe new life into to this old, well-known location.
In ancient building of the renovated Govožđara a pub has been opened, which pushes the boundaries for all beer lovers.
For the first time in history, Belgrade will get a chance to taste the best non-pasteurized, non-cash, Czech beer Pilsner Urquell and Kozel. For experienced beer drinkers, who are looking for new challenges, we serve over 100 best labels from all over the world. The thirst for quality knows no boundaries, so neither do we.
Pilsner Urquell
Pilsner Urquell is one of the oldest beer factories in Europe. It was opened in Plzen (Czech Republic) on October 5th 1842, just thirty years before the beautiful building which now houses Gvožđara 1870 was built.
Thanks to their long tradition, experience and commitment, Gvožđara was given the opportunity to bring the No1 beer in the world and present it to you.
Kitchen “Gvozdjara 1870″ is entirely inspired by the perfect harmony with our golden beverage.
The first and indispensable thought when it comes to the “beer food” is the original Czech knuckle, and our high recommendation are the Rusmir sausages and kebabs prepared in the same way as “Jonuz- s” from Novi Pazar.
The burgers on our menu are also special. They are made from highest quality of beef bought from the butcher store Jokic and are served with extraordinary Belgium french fries. If you have not tried, do not miss the best cheese from Pestar, We’ll recommend an attractive white wine that he will intensify the taste and will not leave you indifferent. If you prefer red wine, venison stew or tartar steak are a combination that will cause an explosion in your senses.
NOTE “Mouthwatering” is the usual result after reading this text and an indicator that you are interested in this. It is scientifically proven that your thirst and hunger will not stop until your first visit to “Gvozdjara 1870”.

Based on 584 reviews
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Marko Janicijevic
02:03 08 Mar 20
Depending on DJ, it can be excellent time and energy in the club! 😄
josh barbosa
19:00 28 Feb 20
Great employees.. Great music.. Great place.. Great drinks.. What else you need?
Viktor Cvijanović
20:28 27 Feb 20
Great collection of beers. Nice place with good music to hang out, eat well, drink and dance. 🍻🥃🍟 Kind waiters. It's a pity that they close around 1 am. I barely remember how we got out 🤭😁
Mina Minja
23:55 21 Feb 20
Good vibes, excellent beer and fantastic live music on weekends
Filip Sovilj
01:43 02 Feb 20
Nice place with wide variety of drinks and food. Worth visiting, that's for sure...
See All Reviews



  • Address
    Karađorđeva 43, Belgrade
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Website
  • Category
  • Location
    Stari grad
  • Tags
    beer, belgrade, belgradepub, beograd, beogradnocu, food, gde ćemo, gde ćemo na pivo, gde izaći, gde na pivo, gvozdjara, gvozdjara1870, karađorđeva ulica u beogradu, music, muzika, nightout, party, pivnica, Pivo, rockmusic, serbia, Srbija

Additional Information

Additional Information
  • Radno vreme:
    Četvrtak -Subota: 18:00 – 01:00
  • Subota
    18:00 – 01:00h
  • Wi-Fi
  • Pet friendly
  • Parking
    Ulični parking


Pivnica Gvožđara 1870 🍺🍺🍺


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Based on 584 reviews
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Marko Janicijevic
02:03 08 Mar 20
Depending on DJ, it can be excellent time and energy in the club! 😄
josh barbosa
19:00 28 Feb 20
Great employees.. Great music.. Great place.. Great drinks.. What else you need?
Viktor Cvijanović
20:28 27 Feb 20
Great collection of beers. Nice place with good music to hang out, eat well, drink and dance. 🍻🥃🍟 Kind waiters. It's a pity that they close around 1 am. I barely remember how we got out 🤭😁
Mina Minja
23:55 21 Feb 20
Good vibes, excellent beer and fantastic live music on weekends
Filip Sovilj
01:43 02 Feb 20
Nice place with wide variety of drinks and food. Worth visiting, that's for sure...
See All Reviews