Restoran Bela Reka



Restoran „Bela Reka“ je mesto uzbudljivih gastronomskih susreta domaćinskog i kosmopolitskog, lokalnog i nacionalnog. Mesto gde se tradicija prepliće sa modernošću. Mesto gde se opušta i uživa, gde se dobro jede i gde se toče najfinija vina ili rakije. Mesto koje budi sva vaša čula.
Ali „Bela Reka“ je, pre svega, vaša druga kuća, puna prepoznatljivih boja i poznatih ukusa detinjstva. Prostor koji odiše intimom, toplinom i šarmom doma. Zaklon koji budi najdivnija sećanja. Utočište gde ćete se uvek osećati kao među svojima.

Svaka dobra kuća ima svog domaćina, koji će, uvek otvorenog i punog srca, svoje goste dočekati, poslužiti, zabaviti i ispratiti. Mi se ponosimo time što smo uvek dobar i gostoprimljiv domaćin. I zato činimo sve da se osetite kao kod svoje kuće. Od prostranog, elegantnog i udobnog ambijenta, preko bogatog menija sa autentičnim jelima nacionalne kuhinje, rafinirane prezentacije hrane, pa do izvanredne usluge i jedinstvene zabave, mi podižemo vaše gastronomsko uživanje na viši nivo.

Based on 4191 reviews
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Jovan Popovic
10:18 17 Oct 20
It's good atmospehre and ambient, service is very good. Only missing star is price list that has got higher (maybe even 20%) from opening without any reason.
Ahmed Barasi
05:44 16 Sep 20
Great place . Nice food and service. Recommend very much !!
Igor Djukanovic
20:31 28 Aug 20
Great food, nice garden, good service, fair prices. Good value for money
Gordana Stepanovic
07:54 15 Aug 20
Very nice experience. Service is great. Food is very tasty.
Aleksandar-Saša Popović (pixxel)
22:58 08 Aug 20
Nice place with blend of traditional and hyper modern cuisine. You won't get burgers here, you'll get burgers with goat cheese fermented in goats stomach and with crushed pistachios, in avocado paste... Food is delicious, staff is nice and helpful. Waiting times are good, you won't starve waiting for food to be prepared. Now, everything comes at a rather high price - be it being very expensive or being situated next to very busy street. Overall, nice alternative place, worth visiting, if you don't mind other clientele - often being high class mens with their plastic barbies, with culture of an average peasant, again mix of traditional and hypermodern...
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  • Address
    Tošin bunar br. 179, 11070 Novi Beograd
  • Phone
  • E-mail
  • Website
  • Category
  • Location
    Novi Beograd
  • Tags
    ajvar, Bela Reka, Bela Reka Novi Beograd, Ćevapi, Novi Beograd, pečenje, restaurants in Belgrade, restorani Novi Beograd, restorani u beogradu, tošin bunar

Additional Information

Additional Information
  • Radno vreme:
    Pon - Čet: 08:00 – 23:45h Pet; 08:00 – 23:00h
  • Subota
    08:00 – 23:00h
  • Nedelja
    08:00 – 23:00h
  • Wi-Fi
  • Pet friendly
  • Parking
    Ulični parking


Restoran Bela Reka


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Based on 4191 reviews
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Jovan Popovic
10:18 17 Oct 20
It's good atmospehre and ambient, service is very good. Only missing star is price list that has got higher (maybe even 20%) from opening without any reason.
Ahmed Barasi
05:44 16 Sep 20
Great place . Nice food and service. Recommend very much !!
Igor Djukanovic
20:31 28 Aug 20
Great food, nice garden, good service, fair prices. Good value for money
Gordana Stepanovic
07:54 15 Aug 20
Very nice experience. Service is great. Food is very tasty.
Aleksandar-Saša Popović (pixxel)
22:58 08 Aug 20
Nice place with blend of traditional and hyper modern cuisine. You won't get burgers here, you'll get burgers with goat cheese fermented in goats stomach and with crushed pistachios, in avocado paste... Food is delicious, staff is nice and helpful. Waiting times are good, you won't starve waiting for food to be prepared. Now, everything comes at a rather high price - be it being very expensive or being situated next to very busy street. Overall, nice alternative place, worth visiting, if you don't mind other clientele - often being high class mens with their plastic barbies, with culture of an average peasant, again mix of traditional and hypermodern...
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